Red-bellied Woodpecker

I made my first trip of the year to Palo Duro Canyon last week and was able to get a few photos of a Red-bellied Woodpecker. I’ve seen them at Meredith a few times over the years and at my Dad’s place in Missouri, but this was the first time I’d seen them at PDC.…

Trumpeter Swans

I saw these 6 Trumpeter Swans at Lake Meredith’s Spring Canyon this morning. (EDITED- I had originally identified these as Tundra Swans, a fairly common sighting here in the panhandle. I was corrected by a gentleman with much more experience than me. Trumpeter Swans are very rare in the panhandle, especially this many of them.)…

Carson County Birding

I saw these birds at a small playa on Highway 2385 north of Panhandle, Texas this week. It’s been so very dry here this year that most of the playas have completely dried up. these may have gotten a little help from irrigation run-off. Black-crowned Night-heron White-faced Ibis Cattle Egret Burrowing Owl

Birding and Kayaking

I combined three of my favorite hobbies this week and took several photos of birds while kayaking on the southwest end of Lake Meredith. It was a lot easier a few years ago when the lake was not quite so full and I was not quite so old, but I was able to manage the…

Spring Canyon, Lake Meredith

I returned from Missouri on Sunday and went to Spring Canyon this morning. Spring Canyon is really just the Canadian River Valley right below the Sanford-Yake Dam. There are several ponds and sloughs and a lot of marshy wetlands. It’s pretty easy to access from the southeast end of the dam. The birding isn’t always…

Birding in Missouri

I went to visit my parents in southwestern Missouri last week and had a great time even though it rained hard for 3 of the 4 days I was there. It was a welcome change from the drought in the Texas panhandle. It must have rained at least 6 inches in those three days which…

Vermilion Flycatcher

Several people have posted sightings of a pair of Vermillion Flycatchers at Palo Duro Canyon in the last few weeks. It’s a pretty rare bird for this area. They aren’t really migratory birds but some of the Mexican population will move up into the southwestern US in the summer. They turn up in the panhandle…